Cập nhật lần cuối vào 30/06/2021
International Relations (IR) is an interdisciplinary major focusing on the study of global issues and of economic, political and cultural relationships among nations as well as between nations and international organizations. In other words, it is an academic discipline of high-level synthesis and in-depth analysis, suitable for young people who aim to pioneer in their nation’s integration in the 4.0 industrial revolution with their vitality, passion for research, desire for expertise, and sense of global citizenship. Featuring a global working space, multilingual communication and multicultural insights, international relations is commonly associated with “luxury” and “nobility”.

What can you do with an IR degree?
IR has entered the spotlight of Vietnam’s job market since the country started to implement its open-door policy for robust cooperation and multi-faceted exchange with other nations in the world. Therefore, several Vietnamese youngsters have been familiar with the major. While IR may sound appealing by its name, it can be very challenging to students who are concerned about the job opportunities they may have upon graduation. In fact, IR graduates with their flexibility, adaptability, self-confidence and language skills have proved to meet most qualifications for prospective employment. Some popular and familiar figures whose careers have been flourished on an IR background include Hans Mogenthau, John J. Mearsheimer, Woodrow Wilson, Ngô Phương Lan, and so forth.
Several other IR graduates have been successful in their quest for a desired job in the fields of diplomacy, communications and journalism; at NGOs and event organizers; and especially in “management trainee” programs at large multinationals.
Why has IR never been less “trendy”? For the past three years, the world has been of high volatility and witnessed a great deal of incidents ranging from the Covid-19 pandemic, humanitarian crises in Syria, Yemen and Sudan, racial discrimination in the US, and climate change to a series of natural disasters. The role of IR, in such a context, has been highlighted even further in the study, analysis and evaluation of the relationship and interrelation between the above-mentioned occurrences so as to come up with proper solutions to those problematic issues of the world.

For your better understanding of the IR major, let us explore the five beneficial reasons for which IR has never been less “trendy”:
- IR awakens your passion for debates and intensifies your interests in dealing with challenges: The study of IR provides you with the ability to identify fake news, false premise and illogical arguments. On that basis, you can become confident in presenting a debate and giving criticism without making fallacies.
- IR helps you make the difference: The IR program trains young citizens to be able to perform multi-dimensional thinking and demonstrate knowledge of the world’s occurrences with unbiased objectivity. As a result, each IR student will feature an individual of a unique identity through which the student is acknowledged for having a tendency to make the difference and positive social changes as well.
- IR fulfils your wish for a well-paid job. If you have decided to take IR as your major, it means you have made a smart choice. IR will provide students with sufficient knowledge, skills and confidence so as to meet the requirements of jobs in the current context of a constantly moving and ever-changing world. It is multi-dimensional thinking, flexibility and considerable expertise that enable IR graduates to find suitable jobs with little difficulty and no fear of unemployment.
- IR equips you with a comprehensive set of social and work-related skills. As IR students, you will frequently receive assistance in developing amazing skills in analytical thinking, negotiating, and decision making. Acquisition of such skills will definitely turn you into excellent associates wherever you are recruited for a career. In addition, IR students with leadership skills are likely to be targeted by head-hunters for “management trainee” programs which aim to seek future leaders.
- IR connects you to cultures all over the world. Plenty of opportunities are available to IR students to be in contact with a variety of interesting cultures by means of exchange programs and practical training courses overseas. IR students will be trained to earn some competency in a foreign language, particularly English, so that they can take the opportunities and find themselves confident enough to communicate globally and access a huge body of human knowledge. IR is undoubtedly a field of study that fulfils your passion for adventure, discovery and knowledge of the world’s history and people. In other words, you will be joining “intercontinental” journeys to see that the world is small enough for you to open your heart to everyone and everything.
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