Why HIU?

We are proud of HIU

Enrolling in HIU means choosing a university that is internationally recognized for leadership and innovation in technology, design, and business organization. You will learn from experts in your occupations and benefit from corporate networks and curricula tailored to the latest industry trends during the period of the digital driven-world.

Our international learning environment fosters cultural awareness, critical thinking, experimentation, and creativity. In addition, students will experience an academic program designed to lead them to success, helping to equip them with the skills and knowledge to go further in their chosen career pathway.

International standard courses

International standard courses

Graduated students will have many job opportunities in many international organizations.

Language skill

Language skill

We guarantee that graduated students will achieve a high IELTS score of 5.5 or higher to complete the 04 primary skills, including listening, reading, speaking, and writing. To be confident in working in the international environment.

Modern learning environment

Modern learning environment

Contemporary learning environment with 5-star standard designed by D.P Architect Singapore Corporation – Top 10 in the World.

Practice, experience from year 1

Practice, experience from year 1

The student will be able to practice at prominent organizations domestically and internationally when studying at the high-caliber University in the Educational Corporation of Nguyen Hoang Group.

Arts – Sports

Arts – Sports

Experience the multi-purpose sports center (ex: gym, swimming pool, soccer field, etc.), and develop business sports (ex: golf).

Assure to find the job after graduated.

Assure to find the job after graduated.

HIU guarantees to offer more than 30.000 job opportunities after graduation.