Students of International Relations won two prizes in HIU Film Festival 2020

Cập nhật lần cuối vào 17/05/2021

However small the number of students is in comparison to other faculties, International Relations of HIU is proudly the home to a generation of youth filled with energy and confidence. They carry “say yes” attitude to all the extra-curriculum activities, from volunteering jobs to university competitions.

On 17th July 2020,  IR’s film group namely “IR Squad”, which comprises of students from K17 and K18 cohorts, was honoured at the Rewarding Ceremony of the First Film Festival of Hong Bang International University. The production is called “Choose IR – Fly high” where the team shows an unique approach to portray the International Relations essence. Surpassing more than 20 other films, IR’s film won 2 trophies home:

– The Best Script-writing

– The Third Prize for Overall Performance

Told with pride, this achievement is a group effort coming from students and lecturers of International Relations who altogether that nothing is impossible. The combination of full commitment by the students and speedy planning and orientation by the lecturers throughout the process has proven effective. With only one week, the production team was able to craft initial ideas and put them in action using simple techs like smartphones and taking advantage of the university’s outstanding infrastructure. Eventually, “IR Squad” showcased a fantastic result that convinces the judging panel in both task requirements and entertaining values. The team was able to deliver a signature production of IR-ers’ creativity and solidarity, and more importantly shared memory.

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