Welcome to Office of Academic Affairs!

The Academic Affairs Office has the counseling function, helping the President in planning strategies. It has the role of organizing, conducting, carrying out, evaluating and supervising all the teaching and studying activities. Moreover, The Office also takes part in considering and proposing the training purposes, training programs, vocational structures, training method as well as developing necessary material basis for teaching.
Working hours
From Monday to Friday
Morning: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m
Afternoon: 1:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m
Social Science & International Languages

Regulation on formal undergraduate education using academic credit system.
Student activities Regulation.
Regulation on formal undergraduate education using academic credit system of HIU.
Regulation on drafting, management and use of documents.
Regulation on re-studying and re-taking.
Functions and principles of School Administration.

Degree - Certificate Granted
Step 1: Payment at the counter 1. 100.000 VND for Degree/Diploma/Certificate. 200.000 VND for master degree
Step 2: Presenting the following documents:
* Receipt
* ID card or student card, or other papers with your photo
* Certificate of Social Work Day. Only for students from 2009 to present, NOT for transition. In case you have not received yet or event lost. Please contact HU Student Center
* Library Clearance Certificate. Please contact HIU Library room
Step 3: Receiving degree/certificate
Must provide the authorization letter with stamp of local government, ID card of authorized person and also person who gets authority in case of not receiving directly