
In 2021, students can sign-up to study at Hong Bang International University (HIU) by 6…
Introduce HIU
Admission Profile
Bachelors’ Program
- Apply for admission online:
Candidates register and apply online at:
For candidates who will graduate in 2020, the application is submitted after having the results of high school transcripts, the school will recognize the admission if the application is fully supplemented according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
For candidates who have graduated from high school in 2019 or earlier, candidates can take a photo of their profile and attach it to the online registration form or send it to email:
- To apply for admission by post, the application includes:
Application form for admission (Download form: PHIEU DANG KY XET TUYEN – HIU-V3.pdf)
Copy of High School Transcript
Copy of high school diploma or provisional graduation certificate (can be added later for candidates taking the national high school exam in 2020)
Certificate of priority subjects (if any)
3 3×4 photos (for candidates registered to take the gifted exam at HIU)
- To apply for admission directly at the school, the application file includes:
Application form for admission (Download form: PHIEU DANG KY XET TUYEN – HIU-V3.pdf )
Copy of High School Transcript
Copy of high school diploma or provisional graduation certificate (can be added later for candidates taking the national high school exam in 2020)
Certificate of priority subjects (if any)
3 3×4 photos (for candidates registered to take the gifted exam at HIU)
Doctors Program
Application form (form: APPLICATION FOR DOCTOR QUALIFICATION 2018.pdf).
Scientific curriculum vitae (form: SCIENTIFIC BACKGROUND DOCTOR.pdf).
Notarized copy of the master’s degree diploma.
Notarized copy of transcript of master’s degree.
Evidence of scientific research experience (06 copies).
Research outline (06 books).
Letter of recommendation (Form: SCIENTIST INTRODUCTION FORM.pdf ).
Official dispatch of recruitment agency (if any).
Master Program
Application form (using the form: APPLICATION FORM FOR MASTER LEVEL.pdf).
Curriculum vitae (in the form: MASTER PROFILE .pdf) certified by the agency or local government where you live.
Certified copy of University Diploma.
Certified copy of university transcript.
Health certificate (not older than 06 months).
A valid copy of the conversion certificate (if any).
Notarized copy of the recruitment decision or labor contract to certify the length of service.
Valid copies of legal papers on priority subjects.
4 new 3×4 photos taken no more than 6 months with full name, date of birth.
Transition Program
01 application form (under the form: APPLICATION-APPLICATION-EXAMINATION-REGISTRATION-STUDENT-LINK-THE-University-University.pdf);
01 curriculum vitae (in the form: CONTACT US UNIVERSITY.pdf);
01 notarized copy of diploma and transcript of TCCN/TCN/CD/CDN;
01 notarized copy of practice certificate (for candidates applying from college to university majoring in health);
01 notarized copy of Birth Certificate;
01 medical examination certificate (no more than 6 months);
01 certificate of entitlement to regional priority regime (if any);
04 3×4 photos (not older than 6 months, write full name, year of birth on the back).
Short Term Certificate
Certificate of Dental Nursing:
Medical College Diploma (Notarized Copy)
Certificate of Doctor of Dentistry:
Graduate Diploma of General Medicine (Notarized Copy)
Admissions Communication Department
Function - Missions
Function – Missions
Develop an annual communication plan for the University. Implement activities to introduce and disseminate information about all aspects of the University’s activities to all officers, lecturers, employees, and students (internal communication), and at the same time introduce, Disseminating information of the University to external partners and the general public (external communication) through the University’s website, fanpage and other thematic information pages.
Plan and implement the establishment and development of public relations to promote the school’s activities, achievements and training products and services. Cooperate with enterprises to implement training cooperation activities according to social needs, advanced courses, short-term and long-term topics according to the needs of enterprises.
The focal point in organizing and coordinating with the Student Affairs Department, the Training Department, the Faculty, and related units to organize the enrollment consulting work, Receiving applications for admission to universities and colleges every year.
Career counseling and enrollment counseling, helping candidates choose majors, training programs, learning and career development opportunities that best suit their personal conditions and capabilities.
Perform other duties assigned by the Principal.

Nhân sự
Name | Position | ||
1 | Mr. Nguyen Viet Thai | Manager | |
2 | Mr. Le Minh Ngoc | Vice President (In charge of Communications) | |
3 | Mr. Ngo Tri Dung | Vice President ( In charge of Admissions ) | |
4 | Mr. Pham Min | Vice President ( In charge of Digital ) | |

Liên hệ
Office of Admission & Communications
1st Floor, Ship of Knowledge building, Hong Bang International University – 215 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 15, Binh Thanh District
Telephone: 028.7308.3456 – ext: (3401) Hotline: 093869 2015 – 0964 239 172