Cyber Security
Major code: 7480202 – The Cyber Security industry training program is interdisciplinary and highly applicable, suitable for the needs of information technology human resources of today’s society, associated with the needs of businesses and meets the needs of enterprises. meet the requirements of enterprises in the field of Cyber Safety and Security so that students can apply for jobs easily and be able to work immediately.
Industry Highlights
– The Information Security program closely combines theory and practice, equips students with knowledge of security and network security, through basic subjects such as discrete math, advanced math, programming languages to advanced knowledge of networks, websites, systems, servers, security, encryption;
– Teaching and learning entirely in English
– Students are assessed and then trained to improve their English ability to ensure they are qualified to study this program.
– The English program is consulted and designed in accordance with programs in advanced countries in the world so that students can transfer to 2+2, 4+0 associate programs when needed.
– Students are equipped with enough knowledge and practical skills equivalent to the requirements of some international certificates in network and security such as CCNA, CCNP Security, MCSE Security, RHCSS, Security+;
– Graduates of the “Information Security” training can also participate in research activities at domestic and foreign organizations, research institutes and universities;
– In particular, equipping skills of social communication, teamwork, ability to apply knowledge, skills to solve professional situations, development and implementation of applications, improvements and suggestions technical solutions to improve the operational efficiency of information systems.
Career Opportunity
Can work in a variety of professions.
Highly applicable, meeting the requirements of businesses in many fields

Information Security Specialist with the ability to analyze and prevent problems for computer networks and large information systems

System Design Specialist
Experts in designing and ensuring security for computer and communication networks in agencies, companies, organizations, schools

Research and Application Officer
Research staff and application of network security and information security at Institutes, Research Centers and Universities and Colleges

Information Security Instructor
Lecturer of Information Technology and Information Security at Universities and Colleges
Attractive income
Suitable for both Men and Women passionate about Information Security
Linked program

Cử nhân An ninh mạng
– Chương trình Cử nhân Du học tại chỗ hệ chính quy
– Toàn bộ chương trình giảng dạy bằng tiếng Anh
Board of Directors
Assoc. Dr. Do Van Nhon
– Head of IT Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology
– Email:
Ths. Le Van Hanh
– Deputy Head of IT Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology
– Email:
Contact IT Department
– Phone: 028.7308.3456 (ext: 3413)
– Email:
– Website: Department of Information Technology
– Socail: Youtube – Facebook – Zalo
Admissions and Communication Department
– Phone: 028.7308.3456 ext 3401 – Hotline: 093869 2015 – 0964 239 172
– No. 215 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 15, Binh Thanh District, HCMC
Admission Form
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