Office of Information Technology


Consulting, organizing, implementing of information technology (IT) management system. This system include network management, IT applications which support for training , researching and administration activities.
Building strategy and apply information technology (IT) system to adapt with University ‘s development stages


Supporting, consulting on IT ‘s application and collecting data, storing information, processing those activities. Especially  this  department should ensure information security in all University’s  training and  administration activities.
Establishing , developing, managing and providing solution application, IT infrastructure services in research, training and administration.
Complete annual and unusual report for all activities and suggest solution which related to whole IT system .
Responsible for operating and managing all IT activities  in camps; Setting up systems, monitor and maintain to ensure continuously  operation of IT system activities.
Installing, repairing, upgrading computer, network equipment and network connection; consulting to build conditions and standards technical in IT system’s investment decision.

Online Services

Instruction document

About us

Full name Main mission Email
Ms. Khanh, Le Hoang Nhat In charge of consulting , operating on software project, network system of camps
Mr. Hai, Tran Ngoc In charge of network systems, information technology equipment of all facilities.
Mr. Tin, Dang Tran In charge of network systems, information technology equipment of all facilities.
Mr. Duong, Nguyen Dai In charge of supporting students and lecturers while using system.

Contact us

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